Monday, August 10, 2009

Cambodia and Angkor Wat

Arrived in Cambodia hung over and extremely tired, had a minor hassle finding the hotel, but got there in the end. This place was very nice and we got a well needed snooze in then wandered the local area for a bit. They like US $ here and pretty much everything's a dollar (unless it isn't).
This is the main street in town, it rains everyday at about 4pm and becomes a giant mud bog.
There are tanks of fish that nibble the dead skin off your feet, it feels really weird.
Phuong really wanted to try it then had a bit of a freak out.... what a wuss!

The day after hit the temple tours at Angkor Wat, this place is AMAZING! Photos do it no justice, but here's some anyway.... You can't tell, but these stairs are on a 70 degree angle, skinny as fuck and worn into uneven grooves of doom! Very, very scary and life threatening.


sleepyblogs said...

yes i heard bout them fish, would hell like to do that shit, did it tickle?

jesus said...

Hah, yeah it tickles like fuck! I was laughin my arse off for ages, I think one of these could take off in Perth...