Friday, July 31, 2009


it was the first coopersmas last saturday (25th july)
my camera ran out of battery early on in the arvo so theres not too many pictures.
heres what we got...

constructing the tree
tree prep

borrowed an eski from albert

jez rode it to monties
mira jez

bbq pics


ang linc mira



Merry Coopersmas to all!! see you next year


Mira said...

Angus! There was a coopersmas day miracle!
I found Suffs wallet in my car that day, not knowing she had lost it AGES ago. When i gave it to her, above all her coopersmas joy, i noted that the name of the man who signed the letter that her wallet is made out of was J. Cooper!

holy cow

sleepyblogs said...

yes that tree is fucking awesome

misschief said...

did u know that in the swedish language christmas is called "Jul" and July (the month) is called "Juli" so 24th of July we (a hand-picked crew if individuals) celebrate "Juli-aften" (translated into christmas-i-eve, since christmas-eve is Jul-aften... or something). and yes u can drink beer that night too. and yes, again, that is a excellent piece of tree

misschief said...

and yes, do mind my spelling