Thursday, April 30, 2009

Oly's moved to Sydney, the day before he left we had one last sesh at Woolys.
It was pretty much the one of the craziest days at Woolys I've ever seen
mad crew, red bull girls, musical bums, blunts and urine- the works.
Spoons was having so much fun he manifested a side kick- Sticks.
They had ghetto beat/harmonic battles and drank port. It was pretty fucking amazing.
Frodo did some pictures as well. I had a little jam with Sticks on guitar.
Say my name.
Then another musical bum wandered in from the cold, a very cheerful Maori woman who sang songs on guitar while Spoons spooned along. The bums melted away when the sun set and we all went to Taka's to Farewell the O-man. Have a good time over there mate PEACE GOD!

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