Hubert the turtle. Debate still rages as to whether he was really a turtle or a tortoise
I like to think he was a turtle, otherwise I send him to his doom by releasing him into a lake....
Every now and again you find a spot that makes you wonder- What the fuck were they thinking when they made this, Lets build a giant pyramid with a dome in it? Unquestionably the most fun spot ever. There's nothing to referance size to in this picture, but let me assure you it's massive.
Stumbled onto this spot on the way to the train-o it was a block from our place. There's more of these wavey blocks of differing sizes than you can shake a skateboard at.
The general consensus is that Bowser and Berrell would tear this spot up. No doubt the Hom would be living too
Oly broke this virgin ledge off some with a nose slide, I was too lazy too take a photo of the trick itself, I was busy soaking the heat from the ground like a disabled lizard.
Photos of skating, what is this? It's the O-man grinding what I would call one of the best ledges in the world.
This board has been manipulated to show the exact curvature of my spine and marks the end of our skating in china.
Now that I'm gone Oly's eating for two. Oly quote " the only differance between a good hair cut and a bad one is two weeks" How many weeks has it been now?
17 hour train ride plus Vokda and beer plus texters equals......
The sun rising on the end of my adventure.
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