Friday, April 2, 2010

Under The Dead Weather

Sometimes the fates can be generous, the day after The Pixies one of P's friends had a ticket to The Dead Weather for me, which is an amazing twist of luck, so I got my shit together and stumbled through another day at work before getting back on the party train.

The bass player was by far the easiest to draw, felt rather tired from the night before's hi-jinks, but still got my groove on. I enjoyed the live act much more than the cd's and whatnot I've heard- the sound was pretty crazy- killer bass and keyboard- the crowd was by far one of the tamest I've drawn in, which makes it easier to sketch I suppose... I didn't see one person I know in the whole damn joint, which is odd- where do these indie kids come from?

Hmmm, I think this might have been a song about a pony, I also think Alison is pretty damn sexy. Most of the other women I've spoken to disagree, but what do they know?

I'm quite the Jack White fan, he mostly played drums, with vocals and some guitar breaks thrown in. The above picture is a quote, or maybe a paraphrase, I think he said purple... Anyways, it was fun times- they played Leadbelly's Goodnight Irene when it was over and it was time to go home.
I'd like to say a huge thanks to Jen for hooking me up and driving and also that I was completely thrashed the next day from too much rocking and was under the dead weather.

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