Saturday, October 18, 2008


i spent about a month in new zealand.. its taken me a while to get around to blogging the photos.. but here they are, better late than never..
i was staying down on the south island, in a town called wanaka

these two came for the first week.
jess and andrew
andrew and jess had a car, so we drove from queenstown to wanaka and found mari
found her
snowboarding is pretty much the best. i dont have any action shots, but youve gotta go do it.
on the chair lift
hang loose

saw some locals, kea mountain parrots
more locals. jess, jonathan and potter
at the pub, potter getting on the sauce
tomato sauce
these guys were not so local.. busso crew

stina arrived not long after me, frodo didnt get over tho so she was getting her hugs fix from mari..
at home, on rata st
photo duels with stina.. 1 2 3 draw!
an excited anki
into town fo a beer
and to get beaten by stina at pool
i did win once or twice
me and Ash "Constant Danger" Clark

we were snowboarding every day, mostly at snowpark
stina and anita on the lift
hammers and cuddles
mari and justin
what a lady
james not harry
i only took one proper slam, managed to get a super shinner.
second knee

coffees were going down a couple of times a day, i dont drink coffee, but when they look this cool it makes me think i should.
ski stencil
hanging out with the same people all the time, we even started to look the same

it was a great trip, with an even better bunch of people.
this was the last photo i took while i was over there, seems to fit at the end.
bye guys

1 comment:

Big Durrs said...

that aint busso crew. they are from bunbury.just sayin