Wednesday, July 16, 2008

greetings from saigon!

Well, it's been a crazy couple of days..... traffic is so nuts here, it's the worst I've ever seen, crossing the road is a big deal in the city. A fool and his money are soon parted, there are many crooks, saints, pimps, whores and angels here mixing freely in the muggy heat. Spent a bit of time meeting Phuong's exended family, sweeter people you couldn't find, they are slowly killing us with kindness. We've made trips out to the country, into the rice paddies and rubber plantations, I drove a motor bike for the first time today. P tried but crashed within five meters and stubbed her toe.... Tomorrow we head out to see old tunnels from the war. peace gods!

1 comment:

ang said...

looks like fun, hope the rest of the trip is just as great