Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ghost Knife Face Killer Fish

Hmmm, I must have been somewhat trolly'd, because my note pad the day after the gig was a beer stained mess of indecipherable scribbles and I was suffering from a wicked hangover.
So, for better or worse here's some images from the night.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

quote of the day

"dead......... the king of pop is dead" _lady dressed like micheal jackson (haircut and sunnies anyway) speaking on the phone in a packed train, a number of the passengers showed looks of surprise, for them, like me it was the first they had heard of it. R.I.P.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Listen to crazy people part 6

Listen to crazy people part 5


i came across some snapshots from awhile ago of aids expressing himself through song down at woolies..

i have a feeling he was singing to his shoes..

raw emotion..

Friday, June 19, 2009

Listen to crazy people part 4

Listen to crazy people part 3

mo town

moustaches are fun.. anyone who denies ever wondering what they would look like with one is a liar..
I was extra curious a while ago, but was very aware of how silly i was likely to look. so i grew as much of a beard as i could and then shaved everything except my upper lip..

it only lasted for about 5 minutes (then my sister laughed at me and it had to go)
still.. for 5 minutes i had lots of fun...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

big fish, little fish, cardboard box

ive been playing with video stuff again. some random footage i found..

at doodles' house

berrel, tang and potter

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Listen to Crazy People

Some what foolishly and on the spur of the moment I entered a contest yesterday to make a comic book in 24hrs. Turns out most people who take this kind of thing seriously have support teams and organizational skills, or myb just didn't have to go to work for a good chunk of their 24hrs.
My going skateboarding in Freo for most of the day didn't help either, but it was fun.....
So anyways, I didn't make it past a rough pencil draft and gave up around 4.30am when my eyes would no longer see and I still had an awful lot of shading left to do.
Here's a page I like from the 7 i did last night, its rather faint. I plan to finish the comic properly soon.